In 1987 Spokane ProCare, a premium landscaping company, opened to serve customers in the Spokane, Washington area. The business has grown substantially since its opening and now serves over 2500 clients. Like many companies, Spokane ProCare depends heavily on their computer systems to run their business. The team relies on technology for everything from inventory and storing customer data to scheduling service visits and mapping out the most efficient service routes.

Smooth-IT Steps In to Help with a Technology Crisis

In 2010, Spokane ProCare suffered a technology crisis. Their computer system failed. Suddenly, the infrastructure they used to run their business and the data it housed was no longer available. The team didn’t have any digital backups and had to jump into action, utilizing paper records to run their business and to manually input data back into the system. They knew they needed to partner with a managed service provider to get their infrastructure back up and running. So they turned to Smooth-IT for help.

Ben and the team at Smooth-IT dove in, working closely with the professionals at Spokane ProCare, to restore the company’s server and ensure data was input accurately and efficiently. A process that Sarah says might have taken months, took about a week to complete. Impressed with the level of service and expertise Ben’s team brought to the table, Spokane ProCare decided to hire Smooth-IT as their managed service provider.

A Technology Partner Spokane ProCare can Trust

For over a decade, Smooth-IT has partnered with Sara Bussiere, an owner of Spokane ProCare, to manage the lawn care company’s computer system. The skilled team at Smooth-IT handles everything from hardware and software upgrades to business continuity and disaster recovery.

Sarah often recommends Smooth-IT to other business owners because of their excellent level of customer service. “They’re always right there,” Sarah explained. “I mostly deal with Jeff at Smooth-IT, and Jeff is always on top of my questions. He offers solutions and expertise on what route I should take, and his response doesn’t come weeks or even days later. It’s not like they put us at the bottom of the list and get to us when they want. I usually hear from them within 24 hours.”

Smooth-IT provides customized contracts for each client. Sarah sees this as a huge added benefit of working with the managed service provider. Instead of providing a one-size-fits-all approach, the team at Smooth-IT shapes the services they provide around the business needs and goals.

Perhaps the best testament to Smooth-IT’s work is Sarah’s response when asked to share another example of when Smooth- IT had to solve a significant technology crisis. “Not that I can remember,” Sarah said. “Cause ever since we’ve hired them, everything continuously stays updated.”

Visit the Smooth-IT website to find out how we can help improve your company’s IT solutions and systems.