Your first question reading this blog might be, “What is World Backup Day anyway?”. You wouldn’t be alone. If you’re not working within the IT, managed services, or cybersecurity space, you might not be as familiar with this annual holiday. I want to change that. Ideally, every business owner would use this day as an opportunity to educate their employees and work with their managed service provider to ensure their data is securely backed up.

What is World Backup Day?

Each year, on March 31st, the tech world celebrates World Backup Day by sharing information about cybersecurity and the importance of data backup. Why is this important? According to the World Backup Day website:

  • 30% of computers are already infected with malware
  • For every minute that passes, 113 phones are stolen
  • 29% of data loss occurs by accident?

The Impact of Data Loss

If you own or run a business, data loss can be catastrophic. You’ll suffer the resulting downtime for your clients, reputation issues for your brand, and profit loss for your company. The real question is, are you willing to take the risk of not backing up your data? The answer should always be no. Working with a managed service provider to put an effective backup system in place is worth its weight in gold.

You might be thinking, “Sure, Ben, I’d expect you to say that since you’re a managed service provider.” But don’t take my word for it. Instead, read this case study from one of my clients where they talk about their experience with data loss.

Three Ways to Celebrate World Backup Day 

Below are three ways you can participate in World Backup Day to protect yourself, your business, and your clients.

  • Check-in with your MSP:
    If you currently work with a managed service provider, reach out to learn more about your current security setup. What systems and protocols do they have in place to ensure your data is protected, backed up, and able to be restored in the event of an emergency. If you’re working with a great MSP, they should be reaching out to you. However, it’s always good to check the pulse of your systems and ensure everything is running as it should.
  • Educate your employees:
    World Backup Day is an excellent opportunity to educate your employees on best practices, potential pitfalls, and the importance of data backup. You can invite your MSP to manage a training webinar for your team or send an email inviting every employee to take the World Backup Day pledge. Education and awareness are essential steps to mitigating the risk of data loss.
  • Lead by example and take the official World Backup Day pledge:
    Take a moment to help raise awareness in your community around the importance of backup. Share the official World Backup Day Pledge on your social pages, and be sure to tag and thank the IT/MSP managing your backups.

How Smooth-IT Can Help 

At Smooth-IT, we’re proud to be experts in data security and backups. Our team can identify the backup needs for your business. We’ll work with you to implement the right solution and manage the backup process. Don’t wait to backup your data until it’s too late. Be proactive and contact Smooth-IT today.