The Super-Human Requirements of IT
Every internal IT person we’ve ever met wakes up in the morning knowing that he or she will have to disappoint someone that day. Even with long hours and advanced technology, the burden of responsibility on most IT personnel is far beyond human capacity. This is compounded by “unscheduled priority projects” and genuine emergencies. That’s the nature of the job.
It’s why we at Smooth-IT want to put a cape on your IT people and super-power them to succeed! We want to be the Alfred in your Bat Cave. Whether you have just a single IT person or an entire department at your disposal, we can enable your team to do their job. Moreover, we can save you money by ensuring that your high-value resources are making the most of their expertise and not spending expensive time on lesser tasks. Here’s how we can help.
The Problem
Most IT people are specialized in one or more areas of this extensive field, akin to a master mechanic who specializes in German engines. This valuable member of your team is highly qualified and highly paid, which means that if he’s spending time on anything except German engines, you’re spending unnecessary dollars. That’s how you get a $300 oil change. In most IT situations, even high-value staff have diversified duties that include tasks well below their skill level. Often, these “oil changes” take up so many resource hours that your pocketbook bleeds, or they’re skipped for higher-priority emergencies (which means your engine is likelier to fail), or your staff becomes overworked and disgruntled.
The Smooth-IT Solution
We can take care of your maintenance needs so that your department can function at their level of expertise. We can manage all of your basic needs through our Managed IT Services, leaving your IT team free to do their actual job. You’ll pay a fraction of the cost of a technician, yet all of your equipment and software stays up to date and operating at peak performance. No more headaches, no more stress. We’ve got you covered.
The Problem
Technicians are expensive, and we’ve never met an IT department that has more resource hours available than duties to fill them. In fact, most IT personnel are expected to work substantial overtime hours. They have their hands full. Yet technology is a demanding field which requires constant upgrades, replacement, and expansion. Neglecting these areas leads to decreased productivity and potential for disaster, yet your team has real emergencies and priorities to handle.
The Smooth-IT Solution
Let us take a load off your team by freeing them to do their jobs. We’ll implement the projects and take care of all the extras, and we’ll work with them to integrate the changes. You get an entire department at your disposal without the overhead of more employees.
The Problem
IT personnel are expected to know a lot. When you have a small department, they are relied upon to know the answer to every technical question in the book. Problem is, there are hundreds of “books.” Basic business IT infrastructure includes servers, routers, desktops, e-mail servers, web servers, and firewalls, at the very least. Even the best technicians are not experts in each of those areas, though they may have a working knowledge. Such knowledge gaps can cost you time and money, and lead to frustration and headaches for your tech. By the time you get to advanced fields like virtualization, you may be in deep waters.
The Smooth-IT Solution
Set your team up for success. Collaborating with the extensive knowledge-base of the technicians at Smooth-IT ensures that your business can efficiently apply the expertise you need. Let your tech handle the areas he or she does best, and we’ll take care of the rest. Your systems stay at peak performance, enhancing productivity, and your people can sleep at night without medication. Everyone wins!