Tech Support = Supporting Techs

Let’s be honest. “IT” is synonymous with stress and overtime. Most IT personnel spend their days working with frustrated people in panic or crisis mode, putting out fires and awaking to 2 AM emergencies. They are expected to have immediate answers to every question, regardless of their specialty. They often take abuse from highly-charged people who are on the line for their own jobs, and usually receive little appreciation or respect for their expertise. While the pay is respectable, these folks are usually salaried and expected to be on call 24/7 while working nights and weekends. Even a high salary can still leave IT personnel with the short end of the stick. The dirty “secret” of the IT industry is that technicians try to work out of technical positions and into management as soon as possible, because the lifestyle simply isn’t sustainable. Just look up “IT Burnout.”

Yikes! No wonder IT has one of the highest

turnover rates
of any industry.

It’s time for a change. Just like we actually care about our customers, we actually care about our people. Techs should have sustainable lives with reasonable hours and a manageable workload. Salaried positions allow flexibility and freedom, but when the situation requires work above and beyond this standard, technicians should be compensated accordingly and in addition to their guaranteed pay. The nature of the business means that some days are intense, so we don’t believe in adding undue stress. That means rotating on-call duties and encouraging vacations. It means throwing out the corporate garbage and valuing the individual. It means celebrating victories and rewarding efforts. It means having a life.

We work hard here at Smooth-IT. We expect a lot from our technicians. And we believe it’s our responsibility to treat you right. Work shouldn’t consume your life. Work should support your life. That’s our version of “Tech Support.”